What keywords define the Human Heritage concept for you ?
Do what you know, make known what you do.
Who are you ? What is your job ? What is your expertise ?
I am Réjane Lacoste, Public Relations, as I am passionate about humans.
What is your favorite art ?
What is your hidden talent ?
Experience people.
What was the last book and/or movie that took you away ?
The Quebec film “Incendies” directed by Denis Villeneuve, 2010.
And why ?
It cannot be explained, you have to watch it.
What is your favorite museum ?
MOMA in New York.
What is the experience and the journey that has transformed you ?
The Altas Morocco Tour on horseback with my children.
What is favorite your city or neighborhood ?
What is your dream vacation ?
Regardless of location, being with people I love.
In your opinion, think the world would be better if… :
… We would take more time to listen, instead of hearing.
Provide craftspeople the opportunity to promote their exceptional expertise. Harbor people and companies that appreciate this art at its true extent. Keep the memory of the history, the materials, and the methods. Restore the product to its status of singularity and uniqueness. Catalyze, promote and ensure the sustainability of this Heritage of Humanity.